
Membership Info

Life time memberships are no longer available. Members holding pre-existing lifetime memberships must contact Fish and Game membership director or treasurer to renew: Lisa Drewes @ 780-865-3678

Our new fee format allows every member access to our outdoor gun range, outdoor archery range & trap memberships. Your FOB access will allow you through the gate. If you want access to indoor archery there is an additional access fee, please make sure to select the right option for you.

Hinton Fish and Game and Yellowhead Arrow Launchers memberships are available to any person in good standing with our organization. A membership allows you to access the outdoor gun range, outdoor 3D archery range, outdoor archery practice range and shoot with the trap club on specified trap days.

For an additional activation fee you will have access to the indoor archery range.

A single membership is for one individual of legal age (18 years and older).

A family membership consists of 2 adults residing as a couple at the same address. Children under the age of 18 years that are under the guardianship of said adults are eligible under a family membership. Any children 18 years of age or older regardless of living at the same address must get their own membership.

All participants on the premises of the Hinton Fish & Game facility must be a member with a valid Membership. Your playcard must be displayed.

Hinton Gun Range

Range Memberships

New Members


Family Membership

  • Up to two adults
  • Children under the age of 18
  • Access to outdoor gun range
  • Access to outdoor 3D archery range
  • Access to outdoor archery practice range
  • Shoot with Trap Club on specified trap days

Single Membership

  • Access to outdoor gun range
  • Access to outdoor 3D archery range
  • Access to outdoor archery practice range
  • Shoot with Trap Club on specified trap days

Couples Membership

  • Up to 2 adults that are married or common law
  • Access to outdoor gun range
  • Access to outdoor 3D archery range
  • Access to outdoor archery practice range
  • Shoot with Trap Club on specified trap days

Membership Renewal Rates


Family Membership Renewal

  • Up to two adults
  • Children under the age of 18
  • Access to outdoor gun range
  • Access to outdoor 3D archery range
  • Access to outdoor archery practice range
  • Shoot with Trap Club on specified trap days

Single Membership Renewal

  • Access to outdoor gun range
  • Access to outdoor 3D archery range
  • Access to outdoor archery practice range
  • Shoot with Trap Club on specified trap days

Couples Membership Renewal

  • Up to two adults that are married or common law
  • Access to outdoor gun range
  • Access to outdoor 3D archery range
  • Access to outdoor archery practice range
  • Shoot with Trap Club on specified trap days
Hinton Fish and Game Association is partnered with Yellowhead Arrow launchers, and hosts and indoor archery range


Guests are welcome to use our facility for a small fee of $20.00.

All guests must fill out a waiver located in the indoor archery range as you enter, (this must be filled out for indoor, outdoor or practice range use) or as you enter the gun range area on the Guest Board.

This fee and waiver are for insurance purposes. If your guest fails to pay and fill out the waiver they will be asked to leave the property. An individual may only use the facilities as a guest three times If this limit is exceeded, they must purchase a Fish & Game Membership.

You are responsible for your guest. If there is any vandalism to the property, or your guest does not comply with the Hinton Fish & Game and Yellowhead Arrow Launchers rules, your membership may be revoked and charges laid for vandalism.

Special Discounts

Heroes Discount

Morbi massa ultricies, semper justo eget, malesuada justo. Praesent eleifend efficitur sem, malesuada urna sollicitudin. Aliquam vel tortor ultrices metus efficitur sodales.

Seasoned Shooter

Morbi massa ultricies, semper justo eget, malesuada justo. Praesent eleifend efficitur sem, malesuada urna sollicitudin. Aliquam vel tortor ultrices metus efficitur sodales.

Corporate Discount

Morbi massa ultricies, semper justo eget, malesuada justo. Praesent eleifend efficitur sem, malesuada urna sollicitudin. Aliquam vel tortor ultrices metus efficitur sodales.
Minimum 4 characters